If your home or business suffers a catastrophic loss, the insurance company claims adjuster you’re about to depend on literally holds your future in their hands. Yet that person doesn’t work for you. That insurance company adjuster, by law, represents the insurance company’s interests. Not yours.
Think about that. Then think about InterClaim® Worldwide: a 2nd generation, family-owned public adjusting firm with over four decades of experience, highly specialized expertise and a BBB-proven track record of public trust. We represent the policyholder, exclusively, to make sure you get the maximum possible recovery on your claim. To get your life back.
You’ve paid dearly for insurance. Now make sure you get everything you paid for. If you engage actively and negotiate in the claims process, you will.
If you don’t, you won’t.
InterClaim® Worldwide. It just makes sense to put an expert on your side.